
23 March 2015

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

A Toronto fan of Maroon 5 was left bruised this week, when lead singer Adam Levine threw his mic during a tantrum, blaming the ‘failure’ of EAW’s brand new Anya PA system for his actions.

The Anya system is the result of 15-years of research by EAW and is one of the most technologically advanced system’s available. Levine publically declaring the system had failed won’t hurt sales, but it will ruffle a few sound feathers as power issues like this are rarely the fault of the PA. Particularly one as advanced as EAW’s Anya, which is making its first outing on the tour.

TMZ, website of all things celebrity, has footage of the incident (watch below), in it you can clearly see (and hear) Levine tapping the microphone, before throwing it at the stage, it then ricocheted into fan Stephanie Green’s face – who described the incident as “a dream come true”.

Concert goers weren’t the only ones who suffered a brief loss of power that evening, with most of Ontario receiving flickering lights and wide spread outages. According to news agencies, a major supplier of electricity Hydro One suffered some kind of ‘event’ that caused a voltage drop for all customers, with almost 10,000 homes still without power the following morning.

(Photo by Martha Lane).
(Photo by Martha Lane).

After hitting Stephanie with his mic, Levine immediately pull her from the crowd, giving her front and her sister front row seats for the remainder of the concert, saying, “In my flustered state, I might have thrown my microphone on the ground and then it might have bounced off of the ground, into poor, sweet Stephanie’s face.”

The singer told concert goers that this was the first time the PA had failed at any Maroon 5 concert, despite, the lights still functioning and the rest of the band being amplified when he spat the dummy. Likely, it was still in the process of re-booting with FOH engineers desperately trying to get all the systems up and running again.

Stephanie, however, was ecstatic to be hit by a flying microphone, telling City News that, “It’s just literally the best day.”

“[Levine] hugged me… grabbed my face, held my hands! I never thought in a million years this would happen to me.”

For more info about the Anya system, check: eaw.com/anya-sound-system
Australian Distribution: Production Audio Services, Ph: (03) 9264 8000, Email: info@productionaudio.com.au, Web: www.productionaudio.com.au


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