I Am The Calculator Of My Pocket Operator

Teenage Engineering turns up on Google Pixel.


10 June 2022

Teenage Engineering has collaborated with Google to bring its Pocket Operator experience to the Pixel phone. Pocket Operators are small, ultra portable music devices made by Teenage Engineering. Pocket Operator for Pixel lets you shoot video content and turn it into music and video cut-ups. Layer sounds, add visual effects, create patterns and beats and then mix it all together to make your own unique tracks. The app utilises the familiar Pocket Operator workflow to sequence everyday sounds and video.

Using the Pixel phone’s video camera as a sampling tool, and utilising Google’s TensorFlow machine-learning to analyse and categorise the samples, you can create unique drum and sample kits from the things around you wherever you are. Play and mix live or record step by step using your recorded video clips. Use up to 4 tracks across 16 patterns to compose full songs including the sampled video and 16 audiovisual effects.
Download from the Play Store to create, export, and share weird and wonderful music/video cut-ups. 

Available for Pixel 5 and newer Pixel phones.


Teenage Engineering: teenage.engineering
Australian Distributor: innovativemusic.com.au

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