
21 January 2016

  antelope isochrone ocx hd clock

In timely fashion, Antelope Audio celebrates the launch of its classic OCX crystal-based digital clock a decade ago by… releasing another clock. The Isochronse OCX HD is Antelope’s latest crystal-based master clock supporting sample rates up to 768kHz and features the company’s fourth generation Acoustically Focused Clocking (AFC) jitter management algorithm and over-controlled crystal oscillator.

The single-rack unit OCX HD is an ideal ‘foundational’ clocking solution for mastering and recording studios, project studios, film-scoring, post-production studios and live sound installations.

Outputs include Word Clock on BNC, AES/EBU and S/PDIF. Additionally, OCX HD offers Word Clock Inputs and a Video Sync Input, which can resolve to a variety of SD and HD formats, as well as clock distribution with gear-boxing and pull-up and pull-down rates. A 10 MHz Input allows for syncing with Antelope’s newest Atomic Clock – 10MX.

antelope isochrone ocx hd clock

Antelope’s latest master clock benefits from flexible firmware update functionality — as featured in all new-generation Antelope products. This allows for fast and easy firmware updates on the user-friendly software control panel, which is available for both OS X and Windows platforms. The desktop app provides convenient remote control, simplifying project workflow and making it easily configurable from the front panel.

“Accurate clocking technology is an essential ingredient of any meaningful digital audio content,” commented Igor Levin, founder and CEO of Antelope Audio. “With the launch of OCX HD, we are bringing our very best crystal-based clocking solution to a broader base of production professionals — this represents a tremendous opportunity for anyone involved in music or film production to realise the same clarity and sonic imaging benefits that many of the top mastering houses around the world have relied on for years.”

The Isochrone OCX HD will ship in February and goes for $1495 US.

More info:
Antelope Audio: www.antelopeaudio.com
Australian Distributor: www.federalaudio.com.au


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