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7 May 2013

It was way back in late September last year we told you that Digital Performer 8 (DP8) was announced and kind of shipping. The big news was that Digital Performer was now cross-platform and a Windows version was going to be available hot on the heels of the already-released Mac DP8 once a few tweaks had been… ah, tweaked. Well, it’s taken a while and there’s even an 8.02 update for the Mac DP8 in the meantime, but Digital Performer 8 for Windows is finally here with 64 bit Native operation. MOTU say it’s “nearly identical” to the Mac version. Features in DP8 are 17 new plug-ins including two new classic guitar amp models, the Subkick kick drum enhancer and the Springamabob vintage spring reverb processor (gotta love that name). DP8’s new video engine allows full-screen viewing of full 720 or 1080 HD video clips. Digital Performer’s Themes allow users to change the entire look of the software and DP8 adds 15 new themes, including Hi-Fi, Arctic and None More Black. It’ll be interesting to see how much a Windows version raises the profile of Digital Performer in the fiercely-contested DAW market.

AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTOR: Major Music Wholesale www.majormusic.com.au


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